Stop problems before they’re problems – Integrated debugging is a core part of every Visual Studio product.Essential information-like references, authors, tests, and commit historyis right there to guide you toward the best and most informed decisions about your work. Deep insights into your code – CodeLens helps you easily find important insights, like what changes have been made, what those changes did, and whether you’ve run unit testing on your method.This makes IntelliCode able to complete up to a whole line at once, helping you code more accurately and confidently. Type less, code more – IntelliCode is a powerful set of automatic code completion tools that understand your code context: variable names, functions, and the type of code you’re writing.And out-of-memory errors? They’re about to be a distant memory. The stuff you do every day-like typing code and switching branches-feels more fluid more responsive. Our first 64-bit IDE makes it easier to work with even bigger projects and more complex workloads. Visual Studio 2022 is the best Visual Studio ever. Automatically set up CI/CD workflows that can deploy to Azure. Clone repos, navigate work items, and stage individual lines for commits.

Work together in real-time with shared coding sessions.

Diagnose issues with visualizations for async operations and automatic analyzers. Code with a new Razor editor that can refactor across files. Productive – Scale to work on projects of any size and complexity with a 64-bit IDE.Visual Studio Enterprise is a powerful, comprehensive IDE for developers designing, building, testing, and deploying complex applications for any platform-including the Microsoft stack. Create the future with Visual Studio 2022 Enterprise.